Summer Drum Lessons in Brighton & Hove

Why not spend some time during the summer holidays learning to play the drums along to your favourite songs with expert drum lessons in Brighton & Hove! At Studio Muso we're offering a discounted rate for daytime drum lessons during the school summer holidays. For just £30 a lesson (normally £35) we'll take you from learning the basics, to jamming along to some songs you love. Over 5 weekly sessions you'll learn the drums in a relaxed, fun environment with professional drummer and drum teacher Tom Hodgson. Plus, as our sessions progress, we'll hook up the PA system and get you smashing along to some real tunes chosen by you! So if you like the idea of learning to play the drums and doing something a bit different this Summer, then this is the perfect opportunity to take advantage of!


Your Drum Teacher

Your drum teacher, Tom Hodgson (based in the Brighton & Hove area) has over 12 years experience playing for a magnitude of artists across a wide variety of musical styles. Tom has played to crowds of thousands, toured extensively all over the UK, performed regularly at some of the countries most prestigious venues (The Natural History Museum, The Gherkin & Kew Gardens to name a few) and most importantly, is a highly experienced drum tutor who knows how to get the best results for his students. 

Book Your Summer Drum Lessons

If you'd like to book your 5 summer lessons at £30 an hour then feel free to call Tom on 07922328964, drop him an email or use the contact form provided.

Drum Lessons at Studio Muso

Feeling confident is key when developing a new skill and learning the drums is no different. Lessons should always be fun, engaging and rewarding. This is exactly why we've taken traditional teaching to the next level to deliver a full learning experience to each and every one of our students. You'll be taught privately, record regularly and keep pushing yourself creatively with the help of our video lessons. 


We have been playing professionally for many years. These situations put your skills under a microscope and test your ability to control a musical situation which is why learning from those who are actively embedded in the working world of a musician is key. Not only do students get taught the 'parts' but also the 'feel'. Through a whole host of training exercises, practice routines and techniques our one-to-one tuition gives you the foundations to make learning a new fill/groove/style etc sound and feel great. We continue to work with you to build upon the foundations of everything you learn. This way, the learning itself stays fun and progressive without you picking up any bad habits that would need fixing years later. 


This is where we take what you're learning behind the kit and put it into context. You'll have the opportunity to record along to real music. This could be a song you've spent some time learning or a whole new style of music. These recording sessions will accelerate your skills behind the drum kit way beyond lessons alone. Through these sessions you will also have the opportunity to record a demo to:

Advertise yourself for professional session work.
Help with applications to music colleges and schools.
Give as a gift to loved ones, or keep for sentimental value.

Not only is this great fun but it is a crucial aspect of your progression that is often over-looked within traditional teaching. We will analyse your recordings together and help you dissect where your strengths and weaknesses are so we know exactly how to keep improving your drumming! After a short period of time, you'll acquire studio skills that would be expensive and difficult to gain elsewhere.


The third aspect of our learning experience allows you to excel outside of lessons, taking the lid off how fast you can progress. Our e-learning platform is home to a whole host of video lessons & exam resources tailored towards you.

  • Learning a style of music? Want more ideas to boost your creativity? Exclusively log in to check out our video tutorials.

  • Want to explore something different? Your Studio Muso tutor will create new video content to suit your needs.

  • Preparing for an exam grade? Our platform is full of video play-alongs, sightreading/ear training exercises, techniques with practical applications and a load of advice on how to get a distinction for each grade.

Whether you need support outside of a lesson or fancy a new challenge, we've got you covered.

Get In Touch!

If you want to learn to play the drums or expand on what you already know,
get in touch and start your summer drum lessons with us today!

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